
《耶路撒冷:东西方之间》(Jerusalem:Within and Without,2008) 这是一部2008年PBS电视台制作的纪录片,该片记录了圣城耶路撒冷的复杂面貌,一个同时承载着犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教意义的...

他将这廿年间的所有摄影作品集结,完成《With And Without You》,并献给这些岁月中缺席的父亲。 出版:SUPER LABO ,2019年第二版 规格:18.9 x 25.2 cm,224页,精装 淘口令: 【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.frJqLFj?tk=vyRR2QzBx8s「Jacob Aue Sobol「With And Without You」...

A man without knowledge, a world without light. Wisdom and strength, eyes and hands. Knowledge without courage is sterile. 5. 让别人依赖你 让别人依赖你。神之所以为神,不在...

6. You can wake up without an alarm clock. 没有闹钟叫你也能醒。 截图来自商业内幕网 It should come as no surprise that selling yourself short on sleep is terrible for your b...

1.PVC and Phthalates, Health Care Without Harm, https://noharm-global.org/issues/global/pvc-and-phthalates-0 2.Ilse Vanhorebeek , Govindan Malarvannan , Fabian Güiza, et a...

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